A British investigative journalist who has spent five years in Cambodia reporting on deforestation and other environmental issues has been banned from reentering the country.
There is growing alarm as Cambodia’s roadways continue to exact a tragic toll on its population. Recent high-profile crashes, including a crash which caused the death of Cambodian rapper RuthKo, have jolted public attention to the obstinate issue of traffic safety in the Kingdom.
In theory, economic land concessions are meant to increase agricultural productivity and spark economic growth, however this scheme has not proven to be effective in either respect. A large portion of the land that was granted remains either unused or underutilized. And, as the UN’s OHCHR wrote in 2007, “instead of promoting rural development and poverty reduction, economic land concessions have compromised the rights and livelihoods of rural communities in Cambodia.”
Gender identity encompasses an individual's self-perception as a man, woman, or another gender. For some people, this sense of identity feels easy and innate and is an integral part of who they are—they were born biologically male, and inside, they feel like a boy or a man. For many such people, gender identity is maybe not something they’ve given much thought to because how the world sees them is the same as how they see themself.