Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association


Residents of O'Romduol land community participate in a campaign to promote the importance of equity cards in Preah Vihear province. Photo taken on April 23, 2022. Photo Supplied Het Nay

Lack of awareness surrounding government benefits means poor people lose out

The National Social Protection Council, development partners, and civil society organizations have joined forces to launch a nationwide outreach campaign to educate people in remote areas about the forms of social protection available to them, including equity cards, cash transfer programs for pregnant women, and health funds.
Chen Socheata and her crew film a Tro Khlouk maker as he cuts bamboo to form the instrument in Ratanakiri province on October 24, 2021. Photo supplied

Indigenous filmmakers work to document communities in crisis

For Chen Socheata, a 19-year-old from Ratanakiri’s Banlung city, filmmaking has become a critical way for her to celebrate and preserve her Tumpuon culture. Since enrolling in a filmmaking program run by Bophana Center last year, she’s already produced one short documentary with several more ideas in the works.