Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association


Tuk Tuk Pride Race during the Pride Festival Celebration on May 28, 2023, which intended to promote LGBTQ+ visibility in Cambodia and raise self-affirmation and equality. (CCHR)

Op-Ed: Why Gender-Affirming Care Is Important for Cambodia’s Transgender Community

Gender identity encompasses an individual's self-perception as a man, woman, or another gender. For some people, this sense of identity feels easy and innate and is an integral part of who they are—they were born biologically male, and inside, they feel like a boy or a man. For many such people, gender identity is maybe not something they’ve given much thought to because how the world sees them is the same as how they see themself.

End Impunity, Free Expression!

On this International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, it's important to recognize the essential link between the right to freedom of expression and the right to information. Journalists are too often the direct targets when either right is under attack, and ultimately — we are all victims.