After resisting relocation for months, Kim Heng began dismantling her home of four decades as she prepared to rebuild with the salvaged scraps of tin and wood at a new site far away.
Factory employees across the country are now being required to undergo rapid COVID-19 testing before being allowed back to work as a measure to prevent the spread of the more-contagious Delta variant possibly transmitted during the Pchum Ben holiday.
More and more Cambodians have been turning to mental health services as a result of the fear and stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts say that loss of employment caused by the economic downturn as well as government restrictions and school closures have given rise to increased levels of depression and anxiety.
Travelling on a busy boulevard in Phnom Penh, an older man pedals his cyclo with a big smile on his face. The 65-year-old Leng Phat waves to a group of people who are waiting for him excitedly, even though the seat of his cyclo is taken up by a special container that leaves no room for passengers.
Phnom Penh residents have reported a marked improvement in the city’s garbage collection services after the government revoked former waste management company Cintri’s exclusive contract…
Phnom Penh’s plastic consumption appears to have risen sharply due to the increased demand for take-out packaging and COVID-19 personal protective equipment throughout the capital’s curfew and ban on dine-in eating.
With the pandemic continuing to impact production costs, smallholder farmers say they are struggling to repay debt to banks and microfinance institutions, and pulling their children out of school to make ends meet.