The Interior Ministry issued a statement warning that it would take action against the Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies (CPSC) right before the organization was going to hold a conference in Siem Reap on May 30 and 31.
The title of the event was “Review of Current Humanitarian efforts, and seeking effective ways forward.”
The Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies (CPSC) is an NGO based in Siem Reap that focuses on peacebuilding and conflict resolution in Asia.
The ministry’s statement said the CPSC’s conference would be “an unjustifiable intervention” in ASEAN member states and would go against the ASEAN Charter. The charter was adopted by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in 2007 and outlines the purpose and principles of the intergovernmental organization.
The ministry’s statement said the meeting would also violate “the rules of associations and non-government organization” in Cambodia according to requirements of the Interior Ministry.
CPSC issued a statement on May 30 confirming that the meeting “would be called off to comply with the ministry’s letter.”
When CamboJA called CPSC, the person who answered declined to comment on the issue before hanging up. The NGO did not respond to further requests for comment.
Am Sam Arth, operations director for Cambodian human rights NGO Licadho, said it is not illegal for these organizations to hold meetings as part of their work.
“For me, I think the Interior Ministry made such a fast decision to stop their meeting,” he said. “They should have considered the main purpose [of NGOs].”
He added that Cambodian NGOs already have to register with the Interior Ministry, and international NGOs must sign the memorandum of understanding with the Foreign Affairs Ministry. CPSC did not do anything wrong, he said.
“The government must provide protection, respect and appreciation for the work NGOs are doing in developing our nation,” he said. “They are good partners with the government that help fulfill certain criteria and address shortcomings.”
Interior Ministry spokesperson Khieu Sopheak claimed in an interview with CamboJA that CPSC admitted that it was wrong to hold the meeting and that what they did was against the ASEAN regulations.
“[CPSC] did activities that are against the ASEAN charter,” he said. “This is the work of ASEAN, they [NGOs] cannot intervene in the internal affairs.”